5 Easy Ways to Celebrate Youth Art Month


1. Seek endorsements

Endorsements are just basically your local leader’s autographs on a paper that says they support your cause. You can get a signature from your school superintendent, principal, assistant principal or any school admin.

2. Share pictures

  • on your school website
  • snapshots on your bulletin board or classroom door
  • email to your newspaper

3. Collaborate on projects

Make it easy to show how Art impacts your students by having them work on a collaborative art project all month long, then display on the last school day of the month. Play it up by having the principal announce it.

4. Hold a scavenger hunt

Have students look for art concepts or vocabulary around the school or classroom and award the winners

5. Create a design contest

Ask students to design a logo that displays the words, “Youth Art Month” and have the winner’s design printed as a poster to hang in the office, cafeteria and in front of your classroom.