So we all know the level of crazy that begins after spring recess. We know that it amplifies with each passing day, test and mention of summer plans.
I have come up with a solution in my classroom. A few years ago, I came up with a few independent activities for students to work on in the Art Room. The idea was to find something simple to set up with low prep time, and the main thing was to KEEP THOSE LITTLE HANDS BUSY.
This may have been for selfish reasons, I confess… I had to get some extra time to get the end of year stuff done!
But, if you are an Art Teacher, you know how much longer it takes to pack up your room for summer. You don’t want to resort to playing random kids movies over and over again for every single class. That gets old after about an hour!
Voila! The answer to my prayers. Something I could use to
1. Reinforce the year’s learning
2. Show my fellow teachers that I value my curriculum.
3. Engage the learners for minimal chaos.
And let me tell you… Those mini Artists LOVE these activities. They get to use their imagination and hone their creative thinking skills.
I LOVE IT because I have something to show their learning, to help me informally (or even formally) assess their learning without giving a *GASP* test!
So here are a few pics of what the Art Centers look like in my room in May…