Last week, I participated in my first #K12artchat on Twitter.
I first heard about this whole thing at the National Art Education Convention ’15 in the spring here in New Orleans when I popped in to see some awesome presenters who were well versed in technology, social media and networking. I was impressed at the way they blended all three skills to increase their art teaching expertise and that of others.
Fast forward to the fall, when last week, I figured with it being a new school year and all, I’d better participate or I’d be missing out on some awesome stuff!
What’s a PLN?
How Does #K12artchat Work?
Each weekly chat has questions on a certain topic that people answer, according to their experience in the classroom.
Additionally, resources and links are shared and frequently more questions on the topic are raised.
So That Seems Easy…
But, there’s a catch… Remember that when you answer questions, you only have 140 characters available to craft your response!
For me, this is incredibly difficult! As you can see, I love to write, and I tend to be fairly wordy in my writing. So, any answer I come up with forces me to be concise.
Sometimes you may have to abbreviate…

So, you wanna try it out?
- Create a profile on Twitter
- Login at the time listed
- Type #k12artchat into the search bar
- Read the questions: Q1, Q2, etc…
- Type your answers as you post using A1 for an answer to Q1, A2 for an answer to Q2, etc…
- Before you press enter to post, type this: #k12artchat
- Enjoy the convo!
The “community” is incredibly welcoming, and you have nothing to fear because they’ll help you along, as they did for me!
Hope to see you there on Thursday…Happy Tweeting!